Knoppix 4.0 DVD Released (Live Linux)
Knoppix 4.0 DVD
The DVD version of Knoppix has been released. It is a "Live DVD" version, meaning that if your computer has a DVD drive (and your computer is able) then you can boot directly into Linux from the disc. I'm downloading it now, so I haven't had a change to check it our for myself quite yet, but I'm sure it will be good.
Booting a Live Linux CD/DVD does NOTHING to your system. So Windows users are safe to try, experiment and just plain use Linux without having to install anything. (If you have an older computer, you may want to stick with the CD versions as their is obviously less bloat)
To download Knoppix, you can either go to it's website and download from one of the dozen of listed "mirror's" that are actually serving the beast for download. Or you may want to download it using BitTorrent. currently has over 90 seeders and another 700+ leachers, so you should be able to get it very fast.
Note - the disc comes in English and German versions. So be sure to grab the correct language.
Complete Listing of DVD Contents
A few screenshots
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